Audiovisual Workshop
Audiovisual Workshop
Ivan de la Montaña, thought of a workshop for young people to know where they lived, what were the stories that surrounded them as a community, and why it was important to know them. Using a map and activities, young people would know more about Fresno.
In the workshop

The workshop in progress. Students are deep in thought.
Alejandra is a restless woman, curious, full of life, with many ideas. She was making with her cell phone and little budget, audiovisual material about Fresno, . She showed us a documentary she was doing to show the territory.
lecturer and map

Lecturer and map used in the workshop
We asked both of them to do an audiovisual workshop where they would teach young people to develop ideas using what they had. Show that technology was available, they could use the cell phone, to which many had access, to tell a story. They would have to meet, think of an idea, develop it and then take advantage of the Local network to spread it.
Cellphone and recording

Cellphone recording image
Alejandra finishes the workshop and immediately the students tell her that they have an idea about a short film in which they want to teach the rest of the school about bullying, leaving the short in the Local Network so that the other students can see it. They ask you not to leave because they would like you to help them, it is 2:00 pm in the afternoon and the last bus leaves at 4:00 pm. Alejandra does not doubt it and tells them that time must be planned.
Finally, jointly they create a script, share the characters, share roles and start recording, create “ El Pecas” (The "Freckles").
Video Pecas
Video about bullying